Ragnarok Online II
Minggu, 21 Juli 2013
Konten [Tampil]
Ragnarok Online 2 Legend of the second is a latest game, different from the previous game
ragnarok more offers a very dynamic appearance and elegant to be played.
obtained will affect a player's ranking in the Colosseum battle.
4.Points will be deducted when a player is killed by another player during battle.
such as the Silent debuff.
spending PvP points.
Union Poin
Each unions have their own unique quests and rewards. You can choose any union although most
Bot Ragnarok Online II Vol 2 (64 byte)
Bot Ragnarok Online II Vol 3 (work for all class, except archer/ranger)
Bot Ragnarok Online (Farming DNA Only)
Farming Mode (work only for Blacksmith and Alchemist)
Thank's to LordJohnMaycry and Guild MYC
If the BOT not working, right click and run as administrator/run compatible with windows 7
you must have installed on microsoft visual C++ and Java Installed. it can bypass your game guard
Many Thank's to LordJohnMaycry A.K.A (John) and Guild MYC.
ragnarok more offers a very dynamic appearance and elegant to be played.
Game Rules in Colosseum
1. Only a limited number of players can proceed to the next round.
2. Ranking will be calculated by individual scores obtained during Colosseum battles.
3. Score points can be obtained by killing other players or monsters in the Colosseum and points
obtained will affect a player's ranking in the Colosseum battle.
Tips Game
1. Score obtainable during a Colosseum battle will change according the monster's strength
spawned in each round.
spawned in each round.
2. A number indicator will appear on a player's head displaying the player’s ranking in the
3. Participants can obtain higher score points by taking down higher ranking players in the
4. Killing Porings in the Colosseum can either give powerful buffs or inflict abnormal conditions
such as the Silent debuff.
Colosseum Reward Poin
1. Players will obtain PvP points and a Victory Random Box for each round a player progresses.
2. Players can obtain various useful consumable items from the Victory Random Box.
3. Players can exchange for various functionality item/PvP equipments and PvP only mounts by
spending PvP points.
Union Poin
Currently, there are 6 unions available which are:
Each unions have their own unique quests and rewards. You can choose any union although most
people, especially newbies tend to choose the union specific to their class (i.e if you are an
Assassin,they choose Darkness Shadow which I did and I regret it) though I recommend you check
first what materials and/or items you need and what your goal is after you reach the level cap (for
example, if your an Assassin/Rogue like me, you need Fragment of the Unknown which can be
exchanged for 14 points in Odin Orthodoxy, Colossal Bradium Piece which can be exchanged
for 14 points in Alberta Merchant Alliance). Based on this, you can save time and effort by
choosing the right union for your character.
Assassin,they choose Darkness Shadow which I did and I regret it) though I recommend you check
first what materials and/or items you need and what your goal is after you reach the level cap (for
example, if your an Assassin/Rogue like me, you need Fragment of the Unknown which can be
exchanged for 14 points in Odin Orthodoxy, Colossal Bradium Piece which can be exchanged
for 14 points in Alberta Merchant Alliance). Based on this, you can save time and effort by
choosing the right union for your character.
Bot Ragnarok Online II Vol 2 (64 byte)
Bot Ragnarok Online II Vol 3 (work for all class, except archer/ranger)
Bot Ragnarok Online (Farming DNA Only)
Farming Mode (work only for Blacksmith and Alchemist)
Thank's to LordJohnMaycry and Guild MYC
If the BOT not working, right click and run as administrator/run compatible with windows 7
you must have installed on microsoft visual C++ and Java Installed. it can bypass your game guard
Many Thank's to LordJohnMaycry A.K.A (John) and Guild MYC.