Sexy Three Kingdoms
Sabtu, 22 Februari 2014
Konten [Tampil]
Sexy Three Kingdoms is a RPG game with a background of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms".
Realistic movement like Dynasty Warriors, so that players can feel the three kingdoms era.
- Warrior
The sword is king arms warrior using a sword as a weapon can attack and defend, quick sword
technique and elegant movement makes them very reliable in hit and dodge.
- Killer
Killer attack very large, very agile physically, although attacks can be deflected but also avoid
the counter attack, and has the ability to add special attack power, can in a short time destroy
the enemy
the counter attack, and has the ability to add special attack power, can in a short time destroy
the enemy
- Strong Man
Strong man physically strong, although the woman who looks weak but has tremendous power,
they have a strong defense and ability to fend off, can be a partner for a refuge.
they have a strong defense and ability to fend off, can be a partner for a refuge.
Duplicate tasks that do not provide materials advised not to do first , to future , too, and that does
not need to duplicate tasks and also do not give a bit of experience prioritized.When the power
runs out, buy, level who should be a top priority. Open 3-4 mining, and let Cai Yan dug to increase
not need to duplicate tasks and also do not give a bit of experience prioritized.When the power
runs out, buy, level who should be a top priority. Open 3-4 mining, and let Cai Yan dug to increase
the level, at the beginning of the game Spend all Formation of experience, World Boss
afternoon when conditions allow wear Encouragement, train attributes of the main character
and Guan Yinping.
After reaching about level 27, your level will be a little choked up if you have the right to a VIP,
you can try to pass Duplicate Elite Resist Zushan, if you can get through, then you can continue to
perform other tasks, if you still can not pass, then look for experience with finishing areas already
been completed ( the player can click Cleanup to finish area instantly ), and after reaching
level 30, then you can try to fight back Duplicates Elite. usually Players with level 30 and above
can pass Duplicate Elite after trying several times, reinforce all weapons to level Silver,
silver clothing is also recommended, keep trying to fight the Elite, if not successful then Bring
up another level .
level 30, then you can try to fight back Duplicates Elite. usually Players with level 30 and above
can pass Duplicate Elite after trying several times, reinforce all weapons to level Silver,
silver clothing is also recommended, keep trying to fight the Elite, if not successful then Bring
up another level .