Monkey King Online
Senin, 28 April 2014
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Monkey king online basic play the game
1. Character Movement
Move your character around the world of Monkey King Online by clicking a spot on
the map. Click and hold the mouse button to have your character follow the cursor.
2. Collecting Loot
Press Z to auto collect items dropped by enemies. You can also click on an item to
pick it up. Items left on the ground disappear after a short time don’t miss out.
Press B to open your backpack or click the Backpack icon at the bottom of the
screen. Click an item once to see a list of ways you can interact with that item.
If you double click most items, you will usually be taken to the screen where you can
use that item.
Hover your mouse cursor over any item icon even those you do not own for more
information. You can find out all kinds of key information, including how to acquire
more of that item as well as information about expiration dates.
The world of Monkey King Online is vast, filled with countless monsters, allies, and
quests. Auto pathing helps you get where you need to go without getting lost.
The world of Monkey King Online is vast, filled with countless monsters, allies, and
quests. Auto pathing helps you get where you need to go without getting lost.